A growing and aging world population requires more medical diagnostics and therapy. Advances in medicine identify new diseases and make them curable. Being able to analyze samples precisely is a necessity when it comes to making reliable diagnoses. Medical technology is used in therapy, helping to preserve life and make life easier. The global demand for medical technology and laboratory analysis is therefore increasing rapidly. We make our technological know-how available to this growth market for the precise, reliable automation of sensitive processes.
Many areas of laboratory diagnostics currently process their samples mainly through manual procedures. This is due to a number of factors such as the fact that process automation is new territory for many users. With its product range, LifeTech offers tailor-made solutions so that laboratories all over the world can work more safely, more productively and more economically with automation.
The core applications of Festo technologies are the standardized, precise treatment of liquid samples and the precise dispensing of gases and liquids. In laboratory technology, mainly electric drives with motors and controllers, grippers, handling systems and sensors are used. Our piezo valves give us a unique selling point in medical technology for high-precision dispensing of liquids and gases.
Being able to analyze a large number of samples safely, reliably and quickly is driving the trend towards automation in laboratory analysis. Manually processing samples is both time-consuming and error-prone. For example, due to mixing up samples, insufficient sterility or imprecise dispensing of test liquids. Automated and therefore reproducible processes minimize incorrect analyses, create process reliability and increase profitability.
For the most important applications, the handling of samples and liquids, we offer you a complete range of products. This includes solutions for labeling and identifying samples, for opening and closing sample containers, for removing or adding precisely dosed amounts of liquid, as well as for transport and positioning solutions. Festo develops customer-specific solutions for defined tasks based on the tried-and-tested components for electrical and pneumatic automation. One example here are systems for DNA analysis. For the selection of crop plants, they enable several thousand extractions of genetic material per day.
If there’s one thing the corona pandemic has taught us, it’s that laboratories place tremendous importance on high sample throughput rates. Even with highly qualified laboratory personnel, this demand can no longer be met. There’s no getting round the automation of laboratory processes. That’s why MolGen in the Netherlands has developed PurePrep TTR, which can prepare 320 patient samples per hour for molecular processing. And the Dutch company uses laboratory-specific automation technology from Festo.