connect&learn: up to date in virtual space

Click in and get started: Benefit from expert knowledge - online!

connect&learn: up-to-date in virtual space! Click in and let's go: Benefit from expert knowledge - online! No matter how things develop: Knowledge remains the determining factor for making the right decisions. With connect&learn, Festo brings the exchange of knowledge about automation to your computer or mobile device. Stay close to the latest trends and solutions in automation, with our online sessions - virtually and free of charge. Know-how from which you can benefit quickly.

Stay close from far away with our webinar series "connect&learn":
You can already look forward to new and exciting online sessions.

See your next appointment here shortly.

connect&learn | Keynote: Pneumatics. Simpler and more consistent than ever before
Monday, 30.09.2024 2.00 pm to 2.30 pm.

Developed for seamless integration and maximum flexibility, the VTUX valve terminal redefines the future of automation.

Join us and experience how this innovative solution optimizes your machines and increases efficiency in perfect interaction with other highlights.

Register now (in German language available)

connect&learn | Maximizing energy efficiency: Innovative ways to save energy in automation technology

Friday, 20.09.2024 10.30 am to 11.30 am.

In electrical automation technology, energy efficiency is crucial to counter rising energy prices and stricter environmental regulations. The challenge for companies is to reduce energy costs without compromising productivity.

Our webinar will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the importance of energy efficiency in electrical drive technology.

Register now (in German language available)

connect&learn | Innovation and efficiency in laboratory automation: Optimized laboratory processes with electrical automation

Friday, 18.10.2024 09:30 am to 10.30 am.

Our practice-oriented webinar will give you a detailed overview of Festo's automation portfolio, tailored to the requirements of laboratory automation.

Our experienced experts will show you specific applications for these components and how they can make laboratory processes more efficient.

Register now (in German language available)

connect&learn | Future-oriented automation concepts for the hydrogen industry
Wednesday, 11.12.2024, 14:00 am to 15:00 pm.

During our webinar, we will provide you with a detailed overview of Festo's automation solutions for green hydrogen production.

Our experienced experts will present concrete application possibilities of these technologies and show you how to make processes more efficient.

Register now (in German language available)

You could not be present at the webinar?
You can find all recordings of our webinars in the media library.

Find the topic that suits you and click in:


Easy shopping in the Festo Online Shop

Webinar Festo Onlineshop

You will be surprised how easy and convenient it is to order your products and solutions. Other exciting features such as the advanced search and product comparison, details on support and downloading as well as all the important information on the new after-sales portal round off the training offer.

Missed the webinar?

Basic webinar for easy and convenient shopping in the Festo Online Shop

Advanced Webinar for professional and efficient shopping in the Festo Online Shop

Festo Automation Experience - Higher productivity with artificial intelligence

Festo Automation Experience

Make decisions based on facts. The Festo Automation Experience (Festo AX) is a digital solution that enables you to achieve high added value from the data of your plants using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Increase productivity, reduce energy costs, avoid quality losses, optimise your shop floor and create new business models. Use your data for greater performance.

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AI-controlled system optimization with Festo AX: More productivity, less effort

FluidDraw - professional creation of sophisticated circuit diagrams

Experience how to create a circuit diagram with FluidDraw using simple examples. You will realise how efficiently and professionally you can use it to document complete machines and systems. Get to know FluidDraw: From simple to extensive projects, use of individual components to complex valve terminals. Another plus: in the new version of the circuit diagram software, you can choose between an electrical or pneumatic view of mechatronic products. Experience the efficient handling of FluidDraw in a short time:

  • Create project
  • Select drawing frame
  • Insert symbols and products (from library, catalogue and QuickSearch)
  • Display parts list
  • Display valve terminals

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Quick to the positioning system: The Handling Guide Online

Handling Guide Online

It really couldn't be simpler or faster: The Handling Guide Online increases your engineering efficiency many times over - and gives you the certainty that you have dimensioned correctly. You simply enter the data of your application and the Handling Guide Online automatically calculates suitable solutions. All you have to do is select the desired system and you can order it immediately via the Online Shop. This minimises your engineering effort and leads you to the right handling system in record time.

In the recording of the webinar you will experience LIVE and in short all advantages of the HGO:

  • Application fields of Cartesian positioning systemsEle
  • Design of the system and download of the data sheet and CAD model
  • Which scope of delivery you will receive
  • New motors and drive amplifiers

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Electric Automation

The CMMT servo drive controller family

CMMT servo drive controller

When selecting electromechanical drive packages, the same questions always arise: How can the mechanical axis, servo motor and servo drive controller be easily combined so that they fit together perfectly? And how can this electromechanical drive package be commissioned quickly and easily and integrated into the control system?

These webinars will give you an overview of the CMMT servo drive controller family and its advantages and benefits:

The CMMT servo drive controller family: overview, advantages and benefits for your machine concepts

Simple instead of complex - integration of the CMMT servo drive controller with Profinet in the TIA Portal

One device. Simple commissioning. Integration of the CMMT-AS multiprotocol servo drive controller in the TIA portal and CODESYS

Connection of Festo CMMT-X to B&R X20 via B&R Automation Studio

The new CPX-AP-I remote I/O system

Remote-IO CPX-AP-I

Installation and control concepts influence each other. This is why architectures need to be cleverly networked for consistent connectivity.

With the innovative CPX terminal, you can plan solutions for decentralized pre-processing or the complete machine in a completely new dimension. With our new remote I/O system CPX-AP-I, powerful I/O modules and existing valve terminal connections can be easily and flexibly integrated into the most important host systems.

Based on the innovative AP system communication, CPX-AP-I makes communication from the workpiece to the cloud seamless.

Learn more in these Webinars:

Intelligent connectivity - fast, flexible and decentralized: The new CPX-AP-I remote I/O system

Remote-IO CPX-AP-I: Simple, economical and flexible solutions for decentralized automation concepts

The Festo Automation Suite

Festo Automation Suite

The PC-based software combines parameterization, programming and maintenance of Festo components in one program. It enables the commissioning of the entire drive package, from the mechanics to the controller.

Learn more in these webinars:

Festo Automation Suite - Commissioning / extended functions / controller optimization

Commissioning at high speed: The Festo Automation Suite - Getting started and practice

Digital Engineering: Making electrical automation more efficient with integrated software solutions

Festo software solutions

In times of scarce resources, more effective service provision is necessary in order to meet the existing conflicting demands of cost-effectiveness, time, complexity and quality.

One way to optimize processes is to use end-to-end software tools that cover the entire engineering workflow and also allow the design of complex machine processes.

Learn more in these webinars:

Digital Engineering Part 1

Digital Engineering Part 2

Electrical automation made easy - Simplified Motion Series

Simplified Motion Series

Electrical solutions for the simplest motion tasks! Do you shy away from the sometimes time-consuming commissioning of classic electrical drive systems? With the Simplified Motion Series we have the perfect solution for you! The new product series combines the simplicity of pneumatics with the advantages of electrical automation. How does this work? The Simplified Motion Series offers an application-optimised combination of different linear and rotary mechanics with a motor and integrated drive controller for End2End applications. See live and with one click: The name "Simplified Motion Series" says it all:

  • Simplified Motion Series compared to standard pneumatics and electric servo drive technology.
  • The technical structure of the series
  • Possible functions and parameterisation (travel profile)
  • Intelligent connectivity (DIO and IO-Link) with control (plug and work)
  • Portfolio of the Simplified Motion series with possible application examples

You can also see LIVE the simple selection of actuators with the "Solution Finder". Another highlight: the simple operation with commissioning without software and accessories on the actuator. We then test the set travel parameters directly on the product without PLC.

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Simple positioning with the function package: web travel

Simple positioning with Festo

Do you want to implement a path-following task, such as applying a bead of adhesive, with a positioning system? Festo has a quick and uncomplicated solution for you. Mechatronic systems from Festo in conjunction with the matching control technology offer you excellent options for this. Find out more about the highlights, including a live demo and fields of application, in the webinar:

  • Precise: The path switching point function enables precise switching of the start and end points of the medium.
  • Flexible: Scalable handling systems for different applications, always one control system for all applications, e.g. plasma pre-treatment, seal application, separating blanks, deburring.
  • Adaptable: For processes in the surface or in space. Import contours as DXF files or create them directly in the NC editor. The contours can be imported in different file formats.
  • Intuitive: Fast implementation of the application through predefined interface and predefined interface to your existing control.

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Move electrically. Simpler than ever – Simplified Motion Series

Simplified Motion Series: Electrical automation requires extensive expertise in electrics and software development. And because it also requires higher project budgets than pneumatic solutions, complex motion requirements have been reserved for it until now.

The Simplified Motion Series from Festo sets a new milestone in electrical automation. For the first time, it combines the simplicity of pneumatics with the advantages of electrics. The fully integrated units are commissioned without any software. This "plug-and-work" principle reduces complexity and installation effort to a minimum. The solutions of the Simplified Motion Series are ideal for simple movements between two mechanical end positions. You can use a freely selectable intermediate position in addition to the end positions.

Find out how simple and flexible electrical automation is with the Simplified Motion Series:

  • Basic knowledge and information on the technical structure
  • Intelligent connectivity with digital I/O or IO-Link
  • Simple commissioning via Plug and Work
  • Overview of the Simplified Motion Series portfolio
  • Possible functions and parameterisation (travel profile)
  • Explanation of concrete application examples

See the integration and commissioning of a Simplified Motion drive (with our IO-Link module, in the TIA Portal). The session was recorded from the Festo Experience Center Neuss.

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Solve interpolated motion tasks easily and quickly

Webinar: Electric Automation with Softmotion

Get to know the advantages of our Softmotion basic package. The predefined function modules can be combined in various applications, from pick and place to bonding applications. Introduction to the Softmotion basic packageAdded value of the function modules

See live: path travel in the space of a multi-axis system with the Softmotion basic package from Festo

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High-performance, functional and open - The new automation system CPX-AP-A

Webinar Automationsystem CPX-AP-A

Learn more about the powerful automation system CPX-AP-A. In terms of performance and functionality, this forward-looking platform sets new standards for flexible and cost-effective automation solutions.

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Precise control of joining and pressing processes - with the servo press kit YJKP

Festo Servopress YJKP

Joining and pressing are central components of modern factory automation. With our extensive product portfolio and know-how, we support companies in the implementation of high-performance joining and pressing processes.
In our webinar, we present the latest functions of the YJKP servo press kit. Learn how you can increase the efficiency of your production processes with the modular approach.

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Machine Safety

Machine safety in pneumatics

Machine Safety

In practice, you can hardly avoid safety issues relating to pneumatic components, such as technical documentation or risk assessment. The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC as the basis for the functional safety of machinery is the authoritative guideline, and the harmonized standard EN ISO 13849 is also relevant.

The good news: Festo is a competent partner to help in all cases.
In our large selection of helpful webinars, you will definitely learn how:

Machine safety - diagnostics in pneumatics

Machine safety - pneumatic vertical axes

Machine safety - possibilities of pneumatics with movable guards

Machine safety - correct validation of pneumatic safety functions with SISTEMA

Machine safety - alternative venting with energy-efficient solutions

Machine safety - safe pneumatic gripping

Machine safety - safe (re-)activation of pneumatics

Machine safety - safely reduced speed in pneumatics

Machine safety - safe venting in practice

Machine safety - using pneumatic vertical axes safely

Machine safety - solutions with the MPA valve terminal

Machine safety - the correct use of MS6-SV valves

Machine safety - valve terminals with PROFIsafe

Machine safety

In this online session on the topic of machine safety, you will see important content and details on valve terminals with PROFIsafe:

  • Advantages of integration in valve terminals
  • Live demo: PROFIsafe input module CPX-F8DE-P 
  • PROFIsafe shut-off module CPX-FVDA-P2
  • Live demo: The new standard valve terminal VTSA-F-CB with PROFIsafe

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Machine safety - important requirements for the maintenance unit

Machine safety

In this online session on machine safety, you will see important content and details on all the requirements for the maintenance unit in your machine. The maintenance unit is a central component for the safe operation of your pneumatic system. Various standards, such as EN ISO 4414, require important prerequisites and conditions to be implemented. During the session you will learn important aspects on these topics:

  • What are the requirements for manual on-off valves.
  • Important details on compressed air qualities
  • How to protect my system from unintended pressures
  • Interesting aspects of pressure sensors
  • Important features of electric on-off valves
  • The correct use of filling valves

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Machine safety - safely limited speed of electric axes - but correctly!

Machine safety

In this online session on the topic of machine safety, you will see how safely limited speed (SLS) of electric axes is correctly carried out. The requirement for a "safely limited speed" (SLS) for electrical movements is becoming more and more frequent. Here, in addition to the motor controller and encoder system, the moving mechanics and application must also be considered in detail.

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Safety – Centralized and decentralized solutions in practical implementation

Webinar recording Centralized and decentralized solutions in practical implementation

Reliable safety technology is of great importance in factory automation and the process industry. Machines must be designed in such a way that people, animals and property as well as the environment are protected from damage. In our webinar, we will clearly demonstrate the advantages of centralized and decentralized solution approaches using the example of pneumatic transfer of small components. In this very practical workshop, our experienced application engineers Bastian Behnke and Hans-Jürgen Fritz will show you the advantages of different strategies, both in the implementation of safety functions and the selection of control components.

Learn more about:

  • Centralized vs. decentralized - differences in direct comparison
  • Individual, practical solutions for pneumatic safety technology-
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different installation concepts

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Machine safety - Safe electrical shutdown of valves and valve terminals

Webinar Machine Safety

Safety technology is a decisive factor in the control and operation of machines. For safe, reliable machine operation, the choice of the right valves for the required safety function as well as the correct integration into the control chain is crucial. In this webinar, learn what needs to be considered for safe electrical shutdown in valve selection and integration. Experience various constellations and concrete solution approaches live in the live demonstration.

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Machine safety - Safety requirements for power trains

Festo Webinar Safety

Reliable safety technology is a key requirement in factory automation. Machines must be designed in such a way that people, animals and property as well as the environment are protected from damage. In our online live session, we will present the application of machine safety and the implementation of the necessary safety measures. Our experts for machine safety, Thomas Müller and Thomas Weiß, will use practical examples to impart valuable knowledge and show you simple approaches to solutions.

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EN ISO 13849-1 and the new EU Machinery Regulation

Our experts will introduce you to the new EU Machinery Regulation and the updated DIN EN ISO 13849-1. They will explain which legal requirements will apply to the design and operation of machinery from 2027 and how you can prepare for them in good time.

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Battery Business Unit

Gripping technologies for battery cell production

Festo Webinar battery cell production

Our experts will show you in test operation and in emergency stop situations where the strengths and possibilities of the various gripping technologies for battery cell production lie - from the classic vacuum suction cup to the almost contactless Bernoulli principle to the adaptive gripper.

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Battery Recycling - Innovative automation of process technology and disassembly

Webinar Battery

From dismantling battery packs to recovering raw materials

In our practice-oriented webinar, our experts will shed light on how sustainable automation of processes improves the efficiency and environmental friendliness of battery recycling - from the dismantling of battery packs to the recovery of raw materials. We also provide valuable industry insights into the origin of the recycling material and the economic potential in this sector.

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Controlled Pneumatics

Clever pressure and flow control - with Controlled Pneumatics

Controlled Pneumatics

High-performance valve systems are of great importance for factory automation and the process industry: they enable machines and systems to be operated precisely and efficiently. With Controlled Pneumatics, Festo combines pneumatic systems with innovative valve and communication technology. This combination creates new fields of application, particularly for pressure and flow control, which enable simpler, safer and more efficient solutions.

Learn in this webinar how to gain added value with Controlled Pneumatics. Experience our highlights, for example how to control silently, highly precisely and with low wear.

Learn more (only in German language available)

Efficient flow control and regulation with Controlled Pneumatics

In our practice-oriented webinar, we will deepen your understanding of the topics of flow control and regulation. You will gain a comprehensive insight into our pioneering product portfolio, including the new VPWI flow control valve. Our experienced experts will explain the advantages and differences of various valve technologies and how to integrate them into your process.

Find out how Festo combines powerful pneumatic systems and innovative valve and communication technology with Controlled Pneumatics and thus creates new fields of application, especially in flow control.

Learn more (only in German language available)


connect&learn | VTUX and CPX-AP: The future of flexible and efficient automation

Controlled Pneumatics

This webinar shows how VTUX and CPX-AP can make automation processes more efficient. Our experts will demonstrate how easy it is to assemble and handle the new modular product system. Learn how the two components can be used optimally in a practical way and gain valuable insights into the pneumatic and electrical applications of our solutions.

Learn more (only in German language available)

Sales Unit Life

Liquid handling - precise and efficient control of the smallest liquid flows

Liquid Handling

Dispensing, aspirating, pipetting - precision is a must when handling the smallest quantities of liquids. How do you manage to meet your quality requirements safely and efficiently even at high throughput? How do you achieve reproducible results and avoid contamination? This one-hour webinar will give you clear answers. In the recording of the webinar you will find the following topics:

  • You will get a quick overview of the basics of liquid handling.
  • You will learn about the functionality and advantages of pressure-controlled liquid dispensing systems
  • You will learn how to accurately dispense and aspirate liquids with dispensing heads (and media-separated valves)
  • See how to pipette samples precisely and flexibly with pipetting modules, using our trade fair exhibit as an example.

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Gas Handling: How to regulate flow and pressure more efficiently with piezo technology

Gas Handling

Valves with piezo technology are responsive, quiet and efficient. This is just one of the reasons why they are being used in an increasing number of applications, from portable oxygen therapy to anti-decubitus mattresses, training robots and inert gas applications.

But what are the differences to proportional solenoid valves? Why is the switch worthwhile for you too? And how easy is the integration into existing systems and devices really? This webinar will give you clear answers...

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Using media and process valves cleverly - in factory automation

Factory automation

Whether cooling or lubricating, cleaning and washing, sterilising or dosing: At Festo, factory automation and the control of fluids go hand in hand. Our media and process valves offer a wide range of applications. This virtual session will show you how efficiently and safely you can integrate media and process valves into your demanding factory automation applications:

  • Overview of process automation at Festo
  • Opportunities offered by process automation products in factory automation
  • Small pinch valves VZQA with food certification
  • Angle-seat valves VZXA with maximum modularity
  • Demonstration of the configurator for automated process valves
  • Highlight: virtual tour of the Testing and Application Center

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Packaging Expert Talk

Packaging Expert Talk

Are the megatrends of digitalisation, individualisation, sustainability and energy efficiency also an important topic for you and do they possibly present you with new challenges? Machines must become more and more flexible, digital type plate instead of paper documentation, monitoring of consumption in the plant and automatic shutdown of the air supply. Long machine life - standardisation on the latest portfolio, modular design in cells makes changeover more flexible with shorter product life cycles. The following contents were on the agenda of the Packaging Expert talk:

  • Standardisation and what Festo can contribute to it with the core programme, among other things.
  • Seamless connectivity and the Festo Automation Platform - with a live demo on our Productivity Master, the perfect automation mix becomes tangible: the perfect interaction of pneumatic and electric automation.
  • Artificial intelligence and the Festo Automation Experience: we will show you how AI helps to detect the state of health of your machine.
  • You will gain insights into Festo LifeTech products for precise and safe liquid handling.

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Energy efficiency - more energy-saving and cost-effective automation


In this online session you will see within a short time how you can reduce CO2 emissions sustainably and highly efficiently with the right technology, from the compressor station to the system, and save a maximum of energy. Convince yourself of the correct selection and dimensioning of your components as well as their optimally coordinated configuration. Find out how compressed air is generated, processed and used in an energy-efficient manner. You will also experience effective compressed air management, e.g. with AirControl System AirCS®, and useful measures such as leakage detection.

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