White paper: Automating on/off process valves 04/09/2024
A comparison of actuation methods for pneumatic actuators
On/off process valves can be automated in different ways using pneumatics. This white paper looks at automation using an individual valve, a valve terminal and a digital valve terminal, and compares the three actuation methods in terms of:
• Required hardware/components and the installation
effort involved
• Investment costs
• Potential for compressed air savings and increased
energy efficiency
• Diagnostic and maintenance options
• Potential for function integration
• Possible applications in safety-related circuits
• Possible applications in potentially explosive areas
Special publication
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PA-Toolkit: Library for CODESYS 04/09/2024
MTP compliant!
With the PA-Toolkit from Festo, implementing the automation logic of process engineering units and modules is really intuitive. You can also use the library for CODESYS to program applications without the need for more in-depth programming expertise. This is ideal for automating modular systems according to the MTP standard, which requires a separate controller for each system module.
Short product information
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The dock “thinks” for itself 03/09/2024
Decentralised Control in Bulk Material Handling
The world of bulk material handling seems easy at first glance: moving, filling, delivering. The art of dealing with a variety of different materials, however, lies in the details, such as the docking and undocking of containers at weighing stations. In the process, crosscontaminations
and the release of dusts can occur. AZO CleanDock prevents this
problem. Its latest generation can do even more: it “thinks” for itself. Directly attached to the dock, the integrated controller CEC of the modular electrical terminal CPX from Festo ensures additional process security and shortened commissioning times.
Application note
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