Engineering Change Notification 06/11/2024
ECN No. 262144
Engineering change notification
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Information on substances in our products 31/10/2024
Substances in our products; Compliance
Festo SE & Co KG complies with national and international laws, guidelines, standards and regulations which are applicable to our products. We constantly monitor the dynamics of legislation. This Application Note give an overview.
2.60 22/10/2024
Application Note
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Connecting cables NEBB 30/10/2024
Extremely efficient!
Whenever you need to connect your systems for static applications, NEBB is a highly efficient solution. The cost-optimised NEBB with a cable sheath made of high-quality PVC offers over 30 variants, high degrees of protection IP65, 68 and 69k, as well as corrosion-resistant, gold-plated pin contacts. The 3-, 4- or 5-pin NEBB is available in lengths of 2.5, 5 or 10 m, with a minimum order quantity of 1.
Short product information
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