Engineering Change Notification 06/11/2024
ECN No. 262144
Engineering change notification
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Information on substances in our products 31/10/2024
Substances in our products; Compliance
Festo SE & Co KG complies with national and international laws, guidelines, standards and regulations which are applicable to our products. We constantly monitor the dynamics of legislation. This Application Note give an overview.
2.60 22/10/2024
Application Note
File and language versions
Flow sensors SFAB now with IO-Link 30/10/2024
Extremely communicative!
Convincing, reliable and easy to use: SFAB measures the flow rate and volume and detects the temperature. Power consumption can be optimised because you can quickly detect leakage, for example. Reliable even when a higher protection class and precision are required – for example for paint spray guns in the automotive industry. Thanks to temperature detection, you can control processes in a stable way: Deviating temperatures can indicate defective components, for example.
Short product information
File and language versions