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Energie-Effizienz-Module MSE6
Senken Sie Ihren CO2-Ausstoß!
Beschränkten sich Condition Monitoring und Control in Druckluftanlagen bislang auf die Messdatenerfassung und -analyse, lässt sich der Verbrauch jetzt automatisch durch aktives Eingreifen in die Versorgung reduzieren. Dank patentierter Technologie von Festo können Sie so pro Jahr bis zu 3,2 t CO2 und Hunderte Euro Betriebskosten einsparen.
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Energy efficiency module MSE6-E2M
World’s first!
Saving energy is easier than ever before thanks to the MSE6-E2M. It
helps end users to achieve their energy effi ciency and sustainability
targets and improves the effi ciency of machinery for OEMs.
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Integrated control cabinet solutions with CPX-E and VTUG
Smart combination!
An ideal combination that is much more compact than before: the automation system CPX-E and the valve terminal VTUG together in a control cabinet. This is a complete solution that is easy to install and keeps tubing installation to a minimum.
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Catalogue for Process Automation
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Operating conditions and standards in pneumatics
- Use, storage and transport conditions for Festo products
- Standards in pneumatics
- Compressed air preparation
- Operating conditions for valves
- Port designations of pneumatic components to ISO 5599
- Operating conditions for drives
- Pressure/force table and graphBuckling load graph
- Air consumption
- Pneumatics and explosion protection – ATEX
- EC directives/approvals
- Design – Clean room suitability
- Paint-wetting impairment substances and resistance to media
- Corrosion resistance class CRC
- Protection classes according to IEC/EN 60529
- Functional earth – protective earth – PELV
- Spark arresting
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5 steps to your process valve units.pdf
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Actuator solutions for controlling dampers
Our drive solutions for controlling dampers for all industrial sectors in which processes are operated with gas, oil, coal or biomass, and the air supply must be extremely precisely and reliably controlled.
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Process Automation - Product Overview (PAPSO)
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Process Automation - Product Overview 2024
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Product flyer Process Industry
Two pager
Automation for the requirements
in the process industry
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Animation Energy efficiency module MSE6-C2M
MSE6-C2M constantly monitors compressed air consumption, shuts off the compressed air supply after production has stopped for a certain amount of time and prevents the system pressure from falling below a specific stand-by pressure level.
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