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Electrical interface CECX-C-S1 553855
Alternative product No alternative Replacement product not available
Description Version
FSA-202208 - Security Advisory - Unsafe default Codesys configuration Multiple Festo products contain an unsafe default Codesys configuration

The products are shipped with an unsafe configuration of the integrated CODESYS Runtime environment. In this case no default password is set to the CODESYS PLC and therefore access without authentication is possible.


With a successful established connection to the CODESYS Runtime the PLC-Browser commands are available. Thus granting the possibilities to e.g. read and modify the configuration file(s), start/stop the application and reboot the device.

FSA-202209 - Security Advisory - Incomplete documentation of remote accessible functions and protocols Incomplete documentation of remote accessible functions and protocols in Festo products

Incomplete Festo product documentation of remote accessible functions and their required IP ports. Depending on the product a description of the supported features can be found in the product documentation to some extent.


Festo developed the products according to the respective state of the art. As a result, the protocols used no longer fully meet today's security requirements. The products are designed and developed for use in sealed-off (industrial) networks. If the network is not adequately sealed off, unauthorized access to the product can cause damage or malfunctions, particularly Denial of Service (DoS) or loss of integrity.
