Festo Automation Suite
Parameterisation, programming and maintenance of electronic devices by Festo
System Requirements:
- Windows 10 Version 1607 or higher
- Windows 11
- 32 or 64 bit
| 07/06/2024
File and language versions
Festo Automation Suite - Extension
PLC programming with CODESYS technology
| 07/06/2024
File and language versions
Festo Automation Suite - Plug-in
Plug-in for the parametrisation and diagnosis of the CPX-E automation system and the CPX terminal
| 21/12/2022
File and language versions
FMT - Festo Maintenance Tool
Diagnosis of CPX valve terminals
The CPX-FMT is a helpful tool for commissioning, configuration and extended diagnosis of a CPX valve terminal. If Industrial Ethernet fieldbus nodes like Ethernet/IP, ProfiNet and Modbus/TCP are used, CPX-FMT can directly communicate with the CPX terminal via Ethernet connection. In the case of conventional fieldbuses, the software can be connected to the CPX terminal by means of a USB adapter (type NEFC-M12G5-0.3-U1G5).
Supported systems:
- Adapter NEFC-M12G5-0.3-U1G5 (547432)
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- bus module CPX-E-EC (4080498)
- bus module CPX-E-EP (4080499)
- bus module CPX-E-PB (4080496)
- bus module CPX-E-PN (4080497)
- Bus node CPX-FB11 (526172)
- Bus node CPX-FB13 (195740)
- Bus node CPX-FB14 (526174)
- Bus node CPX-FB23-24 (526176)
- Bus node CPX-FB32 (541302)
- Bus node CPX-FB33 (548755)
- Bus node CPX-FB36 (1912451)
- Bus node CPX-FB38 (552046)
- Bus node CPX-FB39 (2093101)
- Bus node CPX-FB40 (2474896)
- Bus node CPX-FB6 (195748)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB20 (572334)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB21 (572221)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB34 (548751)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB35 (548749)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB41 (3228960)
- Control block CPX-CEC (567346)
- Control block CPX-CEC-C1-V3 (3473128)
- Control block CPX-CEC-M1-V3 (3472765)
- Control block CPX-CEC-S1-V3 (3472425)
- Control block CPX-FEC-1-IE (529041)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1 (5226780)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-EP (4252742)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-PN (4252741)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1 (5266781)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
- gateway CPX-IOT (8069773)
- Motion Terminal VTEM (8047502)
- Terminal CPX (197330)
- Valve terminal MPA-FB-VI (530411)
- Valve terminal MPAF-FB-VI (544397)
- Valve terminal MPAL-VI (569926)
- Valve terminal VTSA-FB (539217)
- Valve terminal VTSA-FB-NPT (539218)
- Valve terminal VTSA-F-FB (547965)
- Valve terminal VTSA-F-FB-NPT (547966)
4.21.213 19/08/2021
File and language versions
FMT - Festo Maintenance Tool
This update imports newer CPX modules into the module catalog of FST4.x and CPX-FMT.
Supported systems:
- Adapter NEFC-M12G5-0.3-U1G5 (547432)
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- bus module CPX-E-EC (4080498)
- bus module CPX-E-EP (4080499)
- bus module CPX-E-PB (4080496)
- bus module CPX-E-PN (4080497)
- Bus node CPX-FB11 (526172)
- Bus node CPX-FB13 (195740)
- Bus node CPX-FB14 (526174)
- Bus node CPX-FB23-24 (526176)
- Bus node CPX-FB32 (541302)
- Bus node CPX-FB33 (548755)
- Bus node CPX-FB36 (1912451)
- Bus node CPX-FB37 (2735960)
- Bus node CPX-FB38 (552046)
- Bus node CPX-FB39 (2093101)
- Bus node CPX-FB40 (2474896)
- Bus node CPX-FB6 (195748)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB20 (572334)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB21 (572221)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB34 (548751)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB35 (548749)
- Bus node CPX-M-FB41 (3228960)
- Control block CPX-CEC (567346)
- Control block CPX-CEC-C1-V3 (3473128)
- Control block CPX-CEC-M1-V3 (3472765)
- Control block CPX-CEC-S1-V3 (3472425)
- Control block CPX-FEC-1-IE (529041)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1 (5226780)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-EP (4252742)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-PN (4252741)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1 (5266781)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
- interface CPX-FB43 (8110369)
- interface CPX-M-FB44 (8110370)
- Motion Terminal VTEM (8047502)
- Terminal CPX (197330)
- Valve terminal MPA-FB-VI (530411)
- Valve terminal MPAL-VI (569926)
- Valve terminal VTSA-FB (539217)
- Valve terminal VTSA-FB-NPT (539218)
- Valve terminal VTSA-F-CB (8073100)
- Valve terminal VTSA-F-FB (547965)
- Valve terminal VTSA-F-FB-NPT (547966)
Update 22 14/04/2021
File and language versions
Firmware Package
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1 (5226780)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1 (5266781)
R06 19/10/2023
File and language versions
Firmware Package
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-EP (4252742)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-PN (4252741)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
R12 19/10/2023
File and language versions
Supported systems:
- bus module CPX-E-EC (4080498)
Device description file
File and language versions
Ethernet/IP EDS
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- bus module CPX-E-EP (4080499)
1.2 06/03/2024
Device description file
File and language versions
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- bus module CPX-E-PB (4080496)
Version 5 27/09/2019
Device description file
File and language versions
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-PN (4252741)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
Device description file
File and language versions
Supported systems:
- bus module CPX-E-PN (4080497)
Device description file
File and language versions
Application software GSAY-A4
Festo Positioning CNC Robotics (FPosCR) is based on the new SoftMotion/Robotics
package from CODESYS.
Library for controlling Festo Handling Systems with CNC and Robotics commands.
Following features are provided:[\b]
- System configuration
- Homing Sequences for referencing all Axes of the System
- CNC Motion (CncFile, CncRef, CncOutQue)
- Robotics Motion (Linear motion, Point to Point motion, circular motion, ... )
- Coordinate transformation
- Error Handling
- WebVisualization
Following PLCs are supported:[\b]
- Controller CECC-X-M1 (4407603)
- Controller CECC-X-M1-MV (4407605)
- Controller CECC-X-M1-MV-S1 (4407606)
- Controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
Supported systems:
- controller CECC-X-M1 (4407603)
- controller CECC-X-M1-MV (4407605)
- controller CECC-X-M1-MV-S1 (4407606)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
- integrated drive EMCX-ST-42-L-7-C1-S-C0 (8061046)
- integrated drive EMCX-ST-42-L-S-7-C1-S-C0 (8061045)
- integrated drive EMCX-ST-42-L-S-7-C1-S-CO (4734580)
- servo drive CMMT-AS-C2-11A-P3-EC-S1 (5340821)
- servo drive CMMT-AS-C2-3A-EC-S1 (5340819)
- servo drive CMMT-AS-C2-3A-MP-S1 (8143163)
- servo drive CMMT-ST-C8-1C-EC-S0 (8084005)
| 29/06/2023
Function elements
File and language versions
CODESYS SoftMotion
CODESYS SoftMotion package
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1 (5266781)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
- Operator unit CDSA-D3-RV (8126915)
| 24/02/2021
Function elements
File and language versions
Festo Robotic & FTL
software package motion & robotic
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
- Operator unit CDSA-D3-RV (8126915)
| 25/11/2021
Function elements
File and language versions
Function blocks CODESYS
Festo Positioning Basic Library GSAY-A6-F0-Z4-1.0 for motion tasks of Festo Positioning Systems.
Range of functions:
- System configuration
- Homing
- Jogging
- Inching/Stepping
- Move PTP
- Executing CODESYS generated CNC Programs
- Executing CNC Programs generated as G-Code based Text File
- Message System
- Application software Festo_Positioning_Basic_3
- Base project for controller CECC-X with integrated drive EMCX-ST
Compatibility information:
- Codesys pbF 3.5.7 Patch 2
- TSP for CECC-X: (Device description
- Firmware for CECC-X: 3.2.10
- EMCX-ST (Integrated Drive) SoftMotion driver
- CMMS-ST >=
- CMMP-AS >=4.0.1501.2.3
Supported systems:
- Control block CPX-CEC-M1-V3 (3472765)
- controller CECC-X-M1 (4407603)
- controller CECC-X-M1-MV (4407605)
- controller CECC-X-M1-MV-S1 (4407606)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1 (5266781)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
- integrated drive EMCX-ST-42-L-7-C1-S-C0 (8061046)
- integrated drive EMCX-ST-42-L-S-7-C1-S-C0 (8061045)
- integrated drive EMCX-ST-42-L-S-7-C1-S-CO (4734580)
- servo drive CMMT-AS-C2-11A-P3-EC-S1 (5340821)
- servo drive CMMT-AS-C2-3A-EC-S1 (5340819)
- servo drive CMMT-ST-C8-1C-EC-S0 (8084005)
| 29/09/2021
Function elements
File and language versions
Function blocks CODESYS
Festo Synchronized Drive Control Library GSAY-A10-F0-Z4-V1-1.0 for Festo drives.
Range of functions:
- Homing
- Jogging
- Inching/Stepping
- Move Absolute
- Camming
- Gearing
- Application software FestoSynchronizedDriveControl
- Base project for controller CPX-E and the motor controller CMMP/CMMT
Compatibility information:
- Codesys >= V3.5.10.40
- Firmware CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN >= 3.1.4
- CMMP-AS >= V4.0.1501.2.3
- CMMT-ST/AS >= V4.0.19.1
Supported systems:
- Controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
Supported systems:
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1 (5266781)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
- servo drive CMMT-AS-C2-11A-P3-EC-S1 (5340821)
- servo drive CMMT-AS-C2-3A-EC-S1 (5340819)
- servo drive CMMT-ST-C8-1C-EC-S0 (8084005)
| 10/11/2022
Function elements
File and language versions
PA Toolkit
Supported systems:
- Control block CPX-CEC-C1-V3 (3473128)
- Control block CPX-CEC-M1-V3 (3472765)
- Control block CPX-CEC-S1-V3 (3472425)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1 (5226780)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-EP (4252742)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-PN (4252741)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1 (5266781)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
| 17/11/2022
Function elements
File and language versions
Target Support Package CODESYS
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-PN (4252741)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
| 22/08/2017
Target support package
File and language versions
Target Support Package CODESYS
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1 (5226780)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-EP (4252742)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-C1-PN (4252741)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1 (5266781)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
| 19/10/2023
Target support package
File and language versions
Target Support Package CODESYS
Function library key connection CDSA-D3-RV
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1 (5266781)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-EP (4252744)
- controller CPX-E-CEC-M1-PN (4252743)
- Operator unit CDSA-D3-RV (8126915)
| 15/10/2021
Target support package
File and language versions
Target Support Package CODESYS
Package for FESTO EtherCAT Devices.
Supported systems:
- bus module CPX-E-EC (4080498)
- Bus node CPX-FB37 (2735960)
- Bus node CPX-FB38 (552046)
- Bus node CTEU-EC (572556)
- integrated drive EMCA-EC-67-M-1TE-EC (8069730)
- integrated drive EMCA-EC-67-M-1TM-EC (8069732)
- integrated drive EMCA-EC-67-S-1TE-EC (8069729)
- integrated drive EMCA-EC-67-S-1TM-EC (8069731)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C10-11A-P3 (551024)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C10-11A-P3-M0 (1622904)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C10-11A-P3-M3 (1501328)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C15-11A-P3-M3 (3215473)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C20-11A-P3 (1366842)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C2-3A (550041)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C2-3A-M0 (1622901)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C2-3A-M3 (1501325)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C5-11A-P3 (551023)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C5-11A-P3-M0 (1622903)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C5-11A-P3-M3 (1501327)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C5-3A (550042)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C5-3A-M0 (1622902)
- Motor controller CMMP-AS-C5-3A-M3 (1501326)
| 14/12/2023
Target support package
File and language versions
CODESYS Development System
| 13/12/2022
File and language versions
FFT - Festo Field Device Tool
Maintenance of Ethernet based devices by Festo
Device Tool for service and commissioning. The Festo Field Device Tool includes various services for all Ethernet-based Festo field devices. It supports, among other features, the update of firmware files to selected devices from Festo.
V2.10.5.198 15/04/2022
File and language versions
USB driver
Festo Virtual Communications Port
Supported systems:
- automation system CPX-E /-EX1E (5237644)
- bus module CPX-E-PB (4080496)
File and language versions