CPX Macro projekt
GSWC-TE-EP-LA (PartNo.537041)
Product informationFile and language versions
Low-pressure regulator LR-...
without sub-base LR-2,0 and LR-3,3
with sub-base for mounting on H or G-rail LR-2,0-PK-3x2-SGH
Product informationFile and language versions
Pressure regulator LR-...-S-B
Nominal pressure 12bar with lockable regulator head
Nominal pressure 7bar with lockable regulator head
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Pressure regulators LR/LRS
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Regulator LR-1/8-F and LR-1/8-F-7
without gauge
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Regulator with gauge LR-...-D
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Service units, D series, polymer
Core functionalities of compressed air preparation
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Service units, M series
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To be replaced by service units of the MS series
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Solenoid valves JMEBH, ISO 5599-1
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Solenoid valves VUVB/valve terminals VTUB
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Valve terminals type 04 VIMP-/VIFB-04, ISO 5599/2
Festo valve terminals for ISO valves are of sturdy and modular design and can be equipped with 1 to 16 valves as desired.
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Energie-Effizienz-Module MSE6
Senken Sie Ihren CO2-Ausstoß!
Beschränkten sich Condition Monitoring und Control in Druckluftanlagen bislang auf die Messdatenerfassung und -analyse, lässt sich der Verbrauch jetzt automatisch durch aktives Eingreifen in die Versorgung reduzieren. Dank patentierter Technologie von Festo können Sie so pro Jahr bis zu 3,2 t CO2 und Hunderte Euro Betriebskosten einsparen.
Product information in briefFile and language versions
Miniature pilot valve for the VUVG
Small and inexpensive
Its size makes it ideal in tight spaces and it comes complete with vacuum functions. It is used in medical devices as well as for liquid handling in laboratory automation.
Product information in briefFile and language versions
MS9 series service units
Product information in briefFile and language versions
Proportional pressure regulator VPPL
The proportional valve VPPL has been specifically designed for higher pressures of 10 ... 40 bar. As an individual device with threaded connections, the valve are being used in a variety of applications, for example in stretch blow moulding of PET bottles
in the food and beverage industry or on tyre or brake test benches in the automotive industry.
Product information in briefFile and language versions
PSI Compressed air and filter regulator series MS2-LR/LFR
Compact = close to the process!
The compressed air and filter regulators MS2 are very compact and extremely light, yet have flow rates of up to 350 l/min and are very sturdy. They can be installed directly in the machine for use close to the process and for end-of-arm applications. These strong, cost- efficient and lightweight components are ideal for applications in small parts assembly and in the electronics industry.
Product information in briefFile and language versions
PSI Service unit component series MS-B
Powerful, lightweight, inexpensive
The MS-B in a polymer housing offers you attractively priced basic components focused on the most important technical functions of compressed air preparation such as pressure regulation, filter regulation and manual or electric switch-on. And it is fully compatible with the MS series. This allows you to create the best possible mix of low-cost basic functions and any high-end functions you need.
Product information in briefFile and language versions
Service unit MS12
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Pneumatic Installation Guide
Program summaryFile and language versions
Product Overview
Program summaryFile and language versions
Product Overview Cleanroom
Components for cleanroom technology
All Festo products suitable for the clean room are classified in accordance with ISO 14644-1.
Program summaryFile and language versions
Product overview for battery manufacturing
The focus is always on you and your specific requirements
Wherever you produce your batteries, Festo is there for you, with the appropriate expertise, the right products and the best service. We have proven ourselves many times over in a multitude of projects for leading battery manufacturers. As a single source supplier for all tasks, we offer an extensive range of copper-free, zinc-free and dry-room-compatible components for battery production.
Program summaryFile and language versions
Quick Order Sheet MS series
Quick availability: selected products from the MS series
Program summaryFile and language versions
Automation Technology
Pneumatic and electrical components
- Pneumatic drives
- Servopneumatic positioning systems
- Electromechanical drives
- Motors and controllers
- Grippers
- Handling systems
- Vacuum technology
- Valves
- Valve terminals
- Sensors
- Image processing systems
- Compressed air preparation
- Pneumatic connection technology
- Electrical connection technology
- Control technology and software
- Other pneumatic devices
- Ready-to-install solutions
- Services
CatalogueFile and language versions
Catalogue for Process Automation
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Catalogue for Process Automation
CatalogueFile and language versions
Pneumatics for the Automobile Industry at Daimler
CatalogueFile and language versions
Product Overview for Process Automation
CatalogueFile and language versions
Product Overview for Process Automation
CatalogueFile and language versions
Selected products. Your partner for factory and process automation
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