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Media separated valves VYKA/VYKB/VYKC/VZDB 02/09/2024

Whether dosing, aspirating or continuous flow is what’s needed,

with media-separated valves from Festo you have a choice of three

operating modes. The compact yet powerful valves are extremely

precise for dosing and aspirating any quantity, right from the very


Reduction of the heat input of media-separated valves into the flowing fluid 25/07/2024

The application note describes the influence of heat input in media-separated valves on the flowing fluid. It compares the heat input from different manufacturers, flow rates and provides suggestions for reduction.

VYKA extended application information 21/09/2023 VYKA extended application information

Description of application test results and technical features of the VYKA valve that are not included in the regular datasheet values.


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Interpretation and analysis of Liquid Handling results Interpretation and analysis of Liquid Handling results; Definitions

This Application Note describe the most common terms about the evaluation of results of a dispensing or pipetting application. In particular: accuracy, trueness, precision, repeatability, reproducibility, coefficient of Variances (CV), mean and standard deviation as well as maximum permissible error.

Media separated valves VYKA/VYKB/VYKC/VZDB

Whether dosing, aspirating or continuous flow is what’s needed,

with media-separated valves from Festo you have a choice of three

operating modes. The compact yet powerful valves are extremely

precise for dosing and aspirating any quantity, right from the very


Declaration of Contamination VTOE, VTOI, VYKA, EHMD, NLFA

In order to protect our employees as well as our equipment, we need information from you on the application for which the returned goods were used. The enclosed declaration is compulsory and binding and may only be completed and signed by authorised personnel.

Returned goods must be accompanied by a completed and signed declaration in order for Festo to perform an inspection and fault analysis. We reserve the right to reject shipments that do not meet this requirement.
