VTEM Firmware Download Instructions for V4.12.0

This document provides a step-by-step explanation of how to download the newest VTEM Firmware using Festo Field Device Tool. This Application Note describes a one-time migration which is required for all firmware versions older than 4.12.0. If firmware is already 4.12.0 or higher the migration step with bootloader-5.1.0 and misc-1.0.0 is not necessary.

Document type:
Application Note
Title Version

Application Note - VTEM Firmware Download Instructions for V4.12.0


This document provides a step-by-step explanation of how to download the newest VTEM Firmware using Festo Field Device Tool. This Application Note describes a one-time migration which is required for all firmware versions older than 4.12.0. If firmware is already 4.12.0 or higher the migration step with bootloader-5.1.0 and misc-1.0.0 is not necessary.