CMMT-ST-C8-1C-...-S0 with 3rd-party motor and BISS-C Multiturn
CMMT-ST, Engel motor, Ever Elettronica motor; Example project included

The FESTO servo drive controller of type CMMT-ST-C8-1C-...-S0 is supporting the encoder feedback system BISS-C with Multiturn.

The following Application Note is a step by step instruction, how to parameterize this system with Festo Automation Suite.

Document type:
Application Note
Title Version

CMMT-ST-C8-1C-...-S0 with 3rd-party motor and BISS-C Multiturn Encoder


The FESTO servo drive controller of type CMMT-ST-C8-1C-...-S0 is supporting the encoder feedback system BISS-C with Multiturn.

The following Application Note is a step by step instruction, how to parameterize this system with Festo Automation Suite.