New Features:
- Convenient login with the MyFesto account to import the available data, such as the EMS commissioning file, directly from MyFesto (Internet required).
Topology Editor
- All devices in the Topology Editor can be automatically aligned very conveniently with a click on the button in the header.
- Imported devices from the scan are also automatically aligned.
- The device image of the selected device in the catalog is now displayed as a preview before insertion.
Backstage menu:
- Commissioning files from EMS (Electric Motion Sizing) can be imported directly from MyFesto account (multiple selection also possible).
- It is possible to create the pure CODESYS project archive in the backstage area under Export --> CODESYS.
- New plug-in and extension versions are displayed in the backstage area, even if they are not (yet) compatible (as a newer Automation Suite version may be required)
Performance Improvements
- Festo Automation Suite startup has been improved and is now up to 40 percent faster (depending on client).
Fixed Bugs:
- Devices in the topology are displayed outside the view window if the “Align” action is executed multiple times
Known Limitations:
- CPX-AP-A-PN-... are detected as CPX-AP-I-PN-M12 in a device scan
- Systems with CPX-AP-A-PN-... interface modules cannot be added from a device scan into the project
System Requirements:
- Windows 10 Version 1607 or higher
- Windows 11
- 32 or 64 bit
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 476 MB
Version: (29/11/2024)
New Features:
- Installed and downloaded firmware files can be stored on the hard drive (Device Repository -> click on hyperlink)
- Firmware files for CPX modules, FB33, FB34, FB35, FB43, FB44, FB45 can be added to the Firmware Repository
- New available updates (e.g. Plug-ins) from the cloud are displayed in the navigation in the backstage
Fixed Bugs:
- Sporadic crash when closing the application
- Device names cannot be pasted from the clipboard in the topology editor
- Component name in the navigation bar cannot be edited with the F2 key
- Sporadic crash when aligning the devices in the topology view
Known Limitations:
- CPX-AP-A-PN-... are detected as CPX-AP-I-PN-M12 in a device scan
- Systems with CPX-AP-A-PN-... interface modules cannot be added from a device scan into the project
System Requirements:
- Windows 10 Version 1607 or higher
- Windows 11
- 32 or 64 bit
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 471 MB
Version: (07/06/2024)
New Features:
- Import of systems from Handling Guide Online by entering the System ID:
- In Backstage -> Import -> Handling Guide Online
- In the catalog in the right sidebar of topology editor
- IO-Link:
- Import of IO-Link devices as part of an imported CPX-AP topology
- Convenient installation of missing IODDs when importing from a device scan
- IO-Link scan and import in topology editor via context menu of the IO-Link master
- Link in status bar for providing user feedback
- Optional usage analysis for continuous improvement of the application
Fixed Bugs:
- Occasional crash when accessing the device catalog in the right sidebar of topology editor
- Occasional exception when deleting a device
- Occasional srash when opening network settings
- FFWP firmware file cannot be correctly imported from the local file system
- Backstage -> Open -> Project Folder also lists projects outside the project folder
Known Limitations:
- CPX-AP-A-PN-... are detected as CPX-AP-I-PN-M12 in a device scan
- Systems with CPX-AP-A-PN-... interface modules cannot be added from a device scan into the project
System Requirements:
- Windows 10 Version 1607 or higher
- Windows 11
- 32 or 64 bit
File size: 470 MB
Version: (04/12/2023)
New Features:
- Topology editor:
- Automatic creation of a connection from a newly added device to the previously selected device
- Convenient creation of connections if several devices are selected
- Connections are preserved if several devices are copied and pasted as a multi selection
- Width of the right sidebar is memorized when switching views (until the next restart of the application)
Fixed Bugs:
- Clicking in the lower part of list entries in the right sidebar does not have any effect
- Hitting Esc and Enter in the device catalog leads to an empty view in the right sidebar
- Repair installation via "Apps & Features" in Windows sometimes fails
- Initialization of CODESYS extension fails under certain circumstances
- No reaction when trying to add a device from a device scan if the plug-in is not installed and there is no Internet connection
- When importing data from the start page, the latter is shown again instead of the project with the imported data
Known Limitations:
- CPX-AP-A-PN-... are detected as CPX-AP-I-PN-M12 in a device scan
- Systems with CPX-AP-A-PN-... interface modules cannot be added from a device scan into the project
System Requirements:
- Windows 10 Version 1607 or higher
- Windows 11
- 32 or 64 bit
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 469 MB
Version: (30/05/2023)
New Features:
- When transferring a firmware for CPX-AP module, all modules of the same type are updated (to make updates of large installations more efficient)
Fixed Bugs:
- Installation sporadically fails on Windows 11
- Data transfer from Handling Guide Online fails if connection shaft KSK is configured
- Aligning devices in topology editor sometimes crashes the application
- Missing dialog when closing the application with pending changes
- Application sporadically freezes when closing
Known Limitations:
- CPX-AP-A-PN-... are detected as CPX-AP-I-PN-M12 in a device scan
- Systems with CPX-AP-A-PN-... interface modules cannot be added from a device scan into the project
System Requirements:
- Windows 10 Version 1607 or higher
- Windows 11
- 32 or 64 bit
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 339 MB
Version: (28/03/2023)
New Features:
- Easy installation of all available updates for plug-ins or extensions in one run
- Automatic installation of missing plug-ins when adding a device from the device scan to the project
- Device scan section:
- New device actions (if supported by the selected device):
- Diagnosis: Display, export and deleting of diagnosis log entries in the device
- Device Homepage: Display of the homepage provided by the device
- Video Tutorials: Access to training video clips in the internet
- Firmware transfer for CMMT-AS-...-MP via fieldbus interface X19
- Locally stored firmware file can be used for a transfer into the device without having to import it into the repository first
- Optimized resizing of columns
- Topology Editor:
- Devices that have been added to the project are automatically selected
- Improved performance when deleting devices from the project
- Import of AP devices (via context menu of an interface module in the project)
- Adding and removing of CANopen devices has been moved from topology editor to the "Programming" context of the PLC
Fixed Bugs:
- Sporadic crashes related to changes in the right sidebar of plug-ins
- Sporadic crashes when adding or removing connections in topology editor
- Sporadic problems when installing plug-ins or extensions
- Exception if default project path does not exist when closing the application
- Project data is damaged if a project is loaded shortly after opening a plug-in
- Firmware files added from the local file system are not shown if automatic search for updates has been disabled
- Firmware for CPX-IOT R03 or higher is missing when checking for updates
- Help window stays always on top
- Versions of user manuals in the right sidebar are not always sorted correctly
- Buttons in large dialogs might be hidden by the Windows taskbar
Known Limitations:
- CPX-AP-A-PN-... are detected as CPX-AP-I-PN-M12 in a device scan
- Systems with CPX-AP-A-PN-... interface modules cannot be added from a device scan into the project
System Requirements:
- Windows 7
- Windows 10 Version 1607 or higher
- Windows 11
- 32 or 64 bit
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 339 MB
Version: (30/11/2022)
New Features:
- Support for CMMT-AS-...-MP (device scan, firmware transfer)
- Support for simplified firmware transfer for controllers (bootloader and firmware in one file, requires new firmware files)
- Available firmware versions are shown faster in the right sidebar of the device scan section
- Release note texts can be copied to the clipboard
Fixed Bugs:
- Devices are placed in a seemingly random way in topology editor when importing from a device scan in the right sidebar
- Line break for device names in topology editor sometimes not applied
- Multi selection in device scan section does not work immediately after opening it
- CPX-AP-I-4IOL Firmware update fails
- List of available firmware files in right sidebar is not updated if internet connection returns
- Device names with special characters are not shown correctly in the device scan section
System Requirements:
- Windows 7
- Windows 10 Version 1607 or higher
- Windows 11
- 32 or 64 bit
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 305 MB
Version: (24/05/2022)
New Features:
- Firmware handling:
- Updating a device's firmware does not block application
- Preparation and start of further firmware transfers possible while a transfer is running
- Parallel transfer of a firmware file into several devices (for some device types)
- Further firmware file formats can be imported via the local filesystem
- Further improvements:
- Assigning of IP addresses to Ethernet/IP devices via DHCP (for initial setup)
- Data import from Electric Motion Sizing
- Import of full AP systems from a device scan
- Improved IP address input box behavior
Fixed Bugs:
- Expanding all levels in the device scan section does not work if several CPX-AP systems are in the list
- Notifications for newly available versions are not shown if a plug-in is opened immediately after the application start
- Plug-in options get lost when restarting the application
- Project archives are shown instead of projects in Backstage -> Open -> Project folder
- Navigator is shifted to the right when selecting an element in a deeper nesting level
- Restarting the application after updating plug-ins or extensions takes long
Known Limitations:
- Parallel firmware transfer not supported yet for AP devices
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 311 MB
Version: (30/11/2021)
New Features:
- Project archives:
- Saving of the currently opened project int an archive file (Backstage -> Export)
- Full integration of the CODESYS archiving function
- Unpacking of a project archive file via Backstage -> Import
- Data import from Handling Guide Online (HGO):
- Download configuration file from Handling Guide Online (available from summer 2021)
- Import configuration file via Backstage -> Import or via the start page
- Servo drives and drive components are added to the current project
- Topology Editor:
- Devices can now be aligned (top/bottom/left/right)
- Warning icons for devices using the same target IP address can be deactivated (Backstage -> Options -> General)
- Devices configured in a plug-in (e. g. motor, axis etc.) are shown when hovering with the mouse pointer over a device in Topology Editor
- Device scan section:
- Possibility to show CPX-AP modules beneath a CPX-AP interface module
- Firmware update for CPX-AP modules possible via the right sidebar
- Both firmware versions and file names shown in the right sidebar (also applies to Backstage -> Repositories -> Firmware)
- Device list is automatically updated after changing certain settings of a device (e. g. IP address, name) or updating its firmware
- Device scan lists can be refreshed by pressing F5 (also applies to the device communication pop-up and the scan in right sidebar in Topology Editor)
- Further improvements:
- Device address can be applied by double clicking a device in the device communication pop-up
- Saving the current project under a new name ("Save As") possible by pressing Ctrl-Shift-S
- Default name for Rockwell export file only contains characters supported by Rockwell Studio 5000
- Link to video tutorials on YouTube in the help section
Fixed Bugs:
- Adding the device from a scan to the project not possible for some CPX-E-CEC controller types
- Sporadic exception error when triggering an EtherCAT scan
- Device properties not shown in Topology Editor when deselecting all but one device in a multi selection
- Hitting Ctrl-Space while in backstage menu shows a blank backstage page
- Saving of the project does not always work reliably after copying and pasting devices several times
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 308 MB
Version: (30/05/2021)
Fixed Bugs:
- Missing compatibility check when transferring a firmware into a device can render the device unusable
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 300 MB
Version: (03/02/2021)
New Features:
- Topology Editor:
- CODESYS device status is displayed if the PLC plug-in is connected to the device
- Improved handling of long device names
- Selecting all devices in the project via [Ctrl]-[A]
- Firmware Repository:
- Firmware files can be deleted from the repository
- Firmware files can be added from the local file system (requires *.fsfw files)
- Transfer of licenses to CPX-E-CEC controllers
Fixed Bugs:
- Installation of plug-ins or extensions fails with error message "Access denied"
- Project conversion fails if files in the original project folder are locked by another process
- Servo drive CMMT-ST-...-PN cannot be added to the project from the device scan when connected via the PROFINET interface X19
Known Limitations:
- *.fsfw firmware files not yet available for all devices
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 300 MB
Version: (30/11/2020)
Major release
- Existing projects can be converted into the new format.
- The original project remains unchanged.
- Opening a converted project or one created with Festo Automation Suite V2.0 in in V1.x is not possible.
New Features:
- Topology Editor:
- Configuration of network connections based on the network topology
- Configuration specific display of devices
- Adding and connecting of EtherCAT slave devices which are not supported by plug-ins
- Export of parameter files:
- For Siemens S7-1500 (SCL source file)
- For EtherCAT based servo drives (proprietary format)
- Downloading of all available firmware files into the local repository
- Cyclical network requests for retrieving device status data can be deactivated
- Release note history is displayed for plug-ins und extensions
- Improved installation of CODESYS packages during plug-in installation (only if CODESYS extension is installed)
Fixed Bugs:
- Application crashes if "My Documents" special folder is missing
- Loading a project by double clicking the project file fails if "Last used project" startup option is set
- Motor is not imported from PositioningDrives in certain configurations
- Opening previously downloaded manuals raises an error "Download failed"
- Firmware update not possible for CPX-E-CEC basic controller
- Saving of the project fails for certain project names
- Identification function on a device remains active even after application has been closed
- Changed network settings are sporadically not applied when set via the device scan in the right sidebar
- Command for scanning for EtherCAT slaves is shown even if CODESYS Extension is not installed
- Undocked windows show green background when a dialog is opened
Known Limitations:
- CANopen Slave devices which are not supported by a plug-in cannot be added in the topology editor
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 296 MB
Version: (12/08/2020)
Version 1.3.2
New Features:
- Display of Notification, e. g. in case of new available software versions or trace recordings
- Support for transferring licenses into devices
- Device state "no errors" in connection area of Plug-ins now displayed in green
- Width of project list on start page and in backstage menu can be modified
Fixed Bugs:
- Firmware files for new devices (e. g. CMMT-AS-C5) cannot be downloaded (V1.3.2)
- Crash at application start when used with certain Windows language packs (V1.3.2)
- Crash when installing Plug-ins at low disk space
- Crash at application start when installed in user folder
- Installation fails with error code 0x80070643 in rare circumstances
- Crash when saving if the opened project has been deleted from the file system
- Devices not found in the network scan if the network interface is added after the application has started
- Message "Renaming not possible" appears without reason and blocks the application
- Multiple selection in Designer is cancelled when opening context menu
- Error when displaying documents that have been downloaded before
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 294 MB
Version: 1.3.2 (31/01/2020)
New Features:
- Display of Notification, e. g. in case of new available software versions or trace recordings
- Support for transferring licenses into devices
- Device state "no errors" in connection area of Plug-ins now displayed in green
- Width of project list on start page and in backstage menu can be modified
Fixed Bugs:
- Crash when installing Plug-ins at low disk space
- Crash at application start when installed in user folder
- Installation fails with error code 0x80070643 in rare circumstances
- Crash when saving if the opened project has been deleted from the file system
- Devices not found in the network scan if the network interface is added after the application has started
- Message "Renaming not possible" appears without reason and blocks the application
- Multiple selection in Designer is cancelled when opening context menu
- Error when displaying documents that have been downloaded before
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 294 MB
Version: (29/11/2019)
New Features:
- PositioningDrives data import
- Support for modular EtherCAT slaves in EtherCAT scan
- EtherCAT slaves can be imported when importing a PLC from the device scan
- Release notes for available and installed Plug-ins and Extensions
- Connections in Designer now using colors for different connection types
- Devices with identical IP address (path to the engineering interface) are tagged with a warning icon in Designer
- Warnings for parameter pages are indicated in Plug-in navigators (similar to errors)
Fixed Bugs:
- Misleading error message when trying to check for updates without Internet connection
- Undocked windows cannot be moved when trying to drag certain areas of the window title bar
- Context menu in Designer does not work correctly for multiple selections
- Cursor cannot be set with the mouse when renaming a device
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 152 MB
Version: (06/06/2019)
New Features:
- EtherCAT scan (only non-modular devices)
- Manual access also for motors, axes and gears
Fixed Bugs:
- Firmware is not shown correctly after downloading it into the repository
- Connections between devices get lost when copying and pasting
- Opening the scan view while the application window is shown in reduced size might freeze the application
Known Issues:
- After importing a modular device from the EtherCAT scan, its modules still need to be configured manually.
- Downloading a firmware to a CMMT-AS with improper network settings stops at 10 %, and the application freezes.
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 158 MB
Version: (16/01/2019)
New Features:
Fixed Bugs:
- Opening a Plug-in by double clicking the device in the navigator does not work
- Access error message after Plug-in installation
- Firmware file cannot be downloaded after the user interface language has been changed
- Searching for firmware updates sporadically fails
Deutsch [de], English [en]
File size: 130 MB
Version: (23/07/2018)