CMMT-AS Parallel Axis Synchronous Position Relative 1
CMMT-AS Parallel Axis Synchronous Position Relative 1

When 2 physical axis of are mechanically connected together by the

load or other means (examples: gantry system X/X' coupled by a YAxis
or 2 x ESBF rods attached), then it is necessary to synchronise
these axis with an electronic alignment (Master to Slave).
This application note discusses the required settings to control the 2 x
parallel linear axis in Synchronous Position Relative1 mode using
CMMT-AS-xx controllers.

Document type:
Application Note
Title Version

CMMT-AS Parallel Axis Synchronous Position Relative 1


When 2 physical axis of are mechanically connected together by the

load or other means (examples: gantry system X/X' coupled by a YAxis
or 2 x ESBF rods attached), then it is necessary to synchronise
these axis with an electronic alignment (Master to Slave).
This application note discusses the required settings to control the 2 x
parallel linear axis in Synchronous Position Relative1 mode using
CMMT-AS-xx controllers.