Festo Automation Suite - Extension
Parameterization of IO-Link devices connected to a Festo IO-Link master

This installation container adds support for parameterizing of IO-Link devices to Festo Automation Suite. It consists of the IO-Link extension for installing and administering IODDs and the IO-Link plug-in for setting up parameters and retrieving device diagnostics.

Document type:
Version Download

New Features:

  • Available updates of installed IODD's are displayed in the navigation list.

Fixed Bugs:

  • -

Known Limitations:

  • IODDs with schema 1.0 are not supported 




IO-Link Plug-in V1.1.1.1


New Features:

  • Easy configuration and trace recording from data of IO-Link devices, e.g. monitoring of connected devices, in context Diagnosis
  • Extended Trace display page for analyzing recorded traces with convenient features like, Zoom in/out, hide and show channels, combing axes etc
  • Start and Stop trace recordings easily via it's own button in the ribbon bar
  • Generic In- and output of Index and Subindex for e.g. process data of IO-Link device through an integrated command line view
  • Desired IODD-version can be selected very comfortable on the plug-in page IO-Link (in case of several IODD-files)

Fixed Bugs:

  • Parameter values that are transferred to the device are reset to the initial value after a few seconds.
  • Live values of the device are updated very slow in online mode
  • Process data from IO-Link devices cannot be written via CPX-AP-A IO-Link master




IO-Link Extension V2.7.0.52


New Features:

  • Searching for IODDs via part number of the device (in addition to device and vendor name)
  • Display of device and vendor IDs in the "Details" section of an IODD
  • IODD details can be copied to the clipboard

Fixed Bugs:

  • IO-Link device is not shown in the device catalog after importing its IODD via the right sidebar of topology editor

Known Limitations:

  • IODDs with schema 1.0 are not supported




IO-Link Plug-in V1.1.1.1


New Features:

  • Easy configuration and trace recording from data of IO-Link devices, e.g. monitoring of connected devices, in context Diagnosis
  • Extended Trace display page for analyzing recorded traces with convenient features like, Zoom in/out, hide and show channels, combing axes etc
  • Start and Stop trace recordings easily via it's own button in the ribbon bar
  • Generic In- and output of Index and Subindex for e.g. process data of IO-Link device through an integrated command line view
  • Desired IODD-version can be selected very comfortable on the plug-in page IO-Link (in case of several IODD-files)

Fixed Bugs:

  • Parameter values that are transferred to the device are reset to the initial value after a few seconds.
  • Live values of the device are updated very slow in online mode
  • Process data from IO-Link devices cannot be written via CPX-AP-A IO-Link master




IO-Link Extension V2.6.0.29


New Features:

  • First release

Known Limitations:

  • Importing of an IO-Link device from the device scan section is only possible if a suitable IODD has been installed.




IO-Link Plug-in V1.0.0.219


New Features:

  • Parameterization and configuration of all IO-Link Devices with revision V1.1
  • Dynamically displaying of parameter pages and its content depending on the loaded IODD device description
  • Read and write of process data possible when the plug-in is connected to the device
  • Incoming device events and diagnosis messages are shown in the Plug-in context "Diagnosis"
  • Device actions like e.g. Reset to factory or acknowledge error can be executed on a designed page "Device Control"
  • Additional parameter information (Index/Subindex), a short description and the default value is available in pop up of each parameter (gray square)
  • All device parameters are shown in a generic parameter list and can be filtered.
  • Helpful explanation regarding the plug connection and wiring are shown on page "Connection"
  • Imported IODD device descriptions are stored in the project file and can be loaded on other systems
  • Special device information and e.g. manuals are easily and conveniently accessible via the right sidebar (only for Festo devices)

Known Limitations:

  • IO-Link Devices with Revision V1.0 are not supported yet.