Are you struggling with long and complicated engineering, programming and commissioning phases? As with lots of different bits of data from different manufacturers and tools? With Festo AX Controls and our portfolio for industrial electrical automation, we are offering you a complete system solution from a single source for the first time. With end-to-end software for end-to-end data utilisation that is real-time capable, flexible, expandable and secure. Discover all your automation options with Festo AX Controls now
Get your free, detailed information now and find out how Festo AX Control allows you to use all your machine and system data consistently as well as customise and expand your automation options. This will increase your productivity and ROI in the long term!
Get your free, detailed information material on the new Festo Edge industrial PC CEPE now. It is the central basis for high-performance motion applications, the suitable platform for PLCnext and the Festo AX Controls automation software. The perfect hardware for all your automation requirements!