Many Festo products can be repaired or replaced to extend the service life of your systems. This is particularly beneficial for high-value components and modules, reduces costs and makes environmental sense. You can easily find suitable replacements for defective or worn parts in our digital spare parts catalogue. Or you can use our convenient repair service.
You can quickly find the right spare part by using the part number, order code, type, product key or the scanned data matrix code. You will then see all the available spare parts in the smart spare parts catalogue and can place the part you need in the shopping basket. Interactive close-up views help during the selection process. We also provide repair and installation instructions as well as an overview of the matching accessories.
Simply watch and understand: our YouTube channel Festo Service offers practical and intuitive step-by-step instructions on frequently requested topics such as repairs, configuration, commissioning and modifications. The videos perfectly complement our technical hotline, because, as they say, a picture is worth 1000 words – and a video even more! And they are available around the clock!
The videos also contain useful information about which tools you need, how to use them, and how much time you should expect to spend as well as illustrated comparisons that point out typical sources of error. Ideally, you should have a tablet or smartphone handy so that you can watch the correct sequence directly at the machine.
Simply watch how it’s done:
Discover and subscribe to our service channel on YouTube now.
Repairs are particularly recommended for high-value components and modules that have not yet reached the end of their service life. We take care of this for you – quickly, reliably and professionally. Our worldwide range of services also includes inspections and economic feasibility analyses, leakage tests for pneumatic components and functional tests.