Industrial workflows follow a strict schedule that is designed to achieve maximum efficiency. In a real-world industrial setting, there is very little time to make mistakes or learn things. Training factories are separate from production facilities that are in full operation and offer students the opportunity to get to grips with the challenges in industrial automation in a safe and intuitive environment. This allows them to obtain the very skills they will need in the workplace in future. Depending on the industry, the required training content as well as spatial and financial resources, we offer a range of training factories to convey key information on Industry 4.0 and industrial automation in a practical, hands-on way.
Our classic MPS training factories offer a compact training environment for mechatronics and automation technology. The miniature production lines are based on an individual workpiece flow.
Our MPS 400 all-round training factories are based on an individual workpiece flow. They not only cover a wide range of material on the latest Industry 4.0 topics, but also the basics of mechanics, mechatronics and automation.
Our cyber-physical training factories are based on a pallet transfer system and enable closed-loop layouts. They help communicate in-depth knowledge on fully-automated digital production systems with robotics and flexible manufacturing concepts for highly-tailored products, from the simplified lab version (CP Lab) to an authentic factory model (CP Factory).