Course offer

Job-specific training, covering three key industry facets: technology, organization, and people

We offer methodical and logical development of employee competencies for industrial companies. With an emphasis on automation-related topics, we are not focused solely on the successful mastery of the training, but equally on the ability of workers to apply their newly-acquired skills in the workplace. We support your goals of achieving greater productivity and gaining a competitive advantage through a skilled and motivated workforce.

Training topics

Our industrial training solutions cover the key facets in industry – technology, organization, and people.

We offer training in topics such as pneumatics, hydraulics, electricity/electronics, PLC, digitalization/Industry 4.0, lean production, and leadership.

Check our complete offerings below!

Job-specific training, from shop floor to management

Our programs are tailored to fit the needs of specific job functions and consist of training that leads to qualification for specific job profiles, including but not limited to:

Maintenance technicians, operators, engineers, trainers, educational staff, shop floor workers and managers, production planners, and leadership.

Online Interactive Training Program

EL101 - Fundamentals of Electricity AC/DC

This electricity training course aims to familiarize participants with the atomic theory, voltage, current and resistance in DC Electricity, The course will also give participants the knowledge to safely work with more complex electrical circuits with a large focus on AC electrical topics. Plus, all participants will received a 2-week trial of FluidSim to participate in the “interactive” portion of the webinar. Personnel involved with the design, installation, maintenance, operation and servicing of industrial electrical equipment would be ideal for this course.

Course Overview:

  • 4 Days
    • 4 hours/day
    • Two 1.5 hour sessions
    • Includes 1 hour task/break
  • 4 Days
    • Price upon request
    • Max of 20 participants

Training outcomes:

  • Understands basic terminology of AC/DC Electricity
  • Can explain the operation of conductors, semiconductors and non-conductors (Insulators)
  • Understands and can identify electric voltage, resistance and current
  • Can explain Ohm’s Law
  • Able to properly identity between a series circuit, a parallel circuit and a series-parallel combination circuits
  • Gains an understanding of units, symbols, inductors, capacitors and RLC Circuits
  • Can explain the operation of single phase and three phase transformers
  • Has the ability to interpret AC Sine Wave Generation and the parts included
  • Earn 1.6 CEU

PLC301 - Introduction to PLC

This course will cover the basic operations of Programmable Logic Controllers. You will learn what a signal is and the difference between an analog and a digital signal. The participant will also learn the difference among a bit, a byte and how the PLC organizes and stores the information. The course will introduce binary, BCD (binary coded decimal) and Hexadecimal numbering systems in PLC programming tasks. Anyone involved with developing and maintaining systems that include a PLC and have limited PLC knowledge would be ideal for this course.

Course Overview:

  • 4 Days
    • 4 hours/day
    • Two 1.5 hour sessions
    • Includes 1 hour task/break
  • 4 Days
    • Price upon request
    • Max of 20 participants

Training outcomes:

  • Understand a PLC based on IEC 61131 standard
  • Understand how the binary, BCD and Hexadecimal number systems are stored and organized in a PLC
  • Understand the structure of a typical PLC
  • Understand how to connect input and output devices to the controller
  • Understand the 4 basic logic functions used in the PLC programming
  • Differentiate between a combinational and a sequential system
  • Earn 1.6 CEU

PN101 - Fundamentals of Pneumatics

This pneumatic training course aims to familiarize participants with the design, construction and operation of pneumatic components. This includes the interpretation of circuit diagrams and symbols as well as the construction of control systems. Plus, all participants will received a 2-week trial of FluidSim to participate in the “interactive” portion of the webinar. Personnel involved with the design, installation, maintenance, operation and servicing of industrial pneumatic equipment and basic control systems would be ideal for this course.

Course Overview:

  • 4 Days
    • 4 hours/day
    • Two 1.5 hour sessions
    • Includes 1 hour task/break
  • 4 Days
    • Price upon request
    • Max of 20 participants

Training outcomes:

  • Understands basic pneumatics principals
  • Can explain the operation of common cylinders
  • Understands and can identify various types of controls valves
  • Able to properly utilize various flow control valves
  • Gains an understanding of logic components
  • Can explain the operation of pressure regulator valves
  • Has the ability to interpret pneumatic circuitry and symbols
  • Earn 1.6 CEU

HY101 - Basic Hydraulics

This hydraulics training course aims to familiarize participants with the design, construction and operation of hydraulic components. This includes the interpretation of circuit diagrams and symbols as well as pressure regulation and position of hydraulic drives. Plus, all participants will received a 2-week trial of FluidSim to participate in the “interactive” portion of the webinar. All personnel involved with the design, installation, maintenance, operation and servicing of hydraulic equipment would be ideal forthis course.

Course Overview:

  • 4 Days
    • 4 hours/day
    • Two 1.5 hour sessions
    • Includes 1 hour task/break
  • 4 Days
    • Price upon request
    • Max of 20 participants

Training outcomes:

  • Understands basic hydraulic principals
  • Can explain the basic pump function and types
  • Able to identify common components of the power unit
  • Can explain the operation of common cylinders and directional control valves
  • Understands how to prevent problems such as cavitation and aeration
  • Knows proper methods for speed control
  • Earn 1.6 CEU

FS101 - Fundamentals of FluidSIM/Sensors

The FluidSIM portion of the training course aims to guide participants on how to create a project, access component libraries, configure components, save and open projects. This course is designed to use FluidSIM software for circuit design and components configuration. The Sensors portion of the training class aims to cover inductive and capacitive sensors, through beam, diffuse and fiber optics. ISO symbology will also be covered for all sensors. Plus, all participants will receive a 2-week trial of FluidSIM to participate in the “interactive” portion of the webinar. Personnel involved with the design, installation, maintenance, operation and servicing of automated processes would be ideal for this course.

Course Overview:

  • 4 Days
    • 4 hours/day
    • Two 1.5 hour sessions
    • Includes 1 hour task/break
  • Single seat classes at set days/time
    • Price upon request
    • Max of 20 participants

Training outcomes:

  • Understand and navigate around the software freely
  • Understands and can design fluid power and PLC circuit diagrams
  • Change circuit parameters such as flow, pressure and component characteristics
  • Understands and can explain various sensor terms and fundamental functions
  • Select the proper sensor for an application, including Capacitive Sensors, Magneto Resistive, Optical including: Through Beam Sensors, Retro-Reflective Sensors, Diffuse Sensors and Fiber Optics
  • Troubleshoot, repair/replace a faulty sensor in optimize process efficiency
  • Earn 1.6 CEU for entire class