You may well have realised that even the best components leave you with uncertainty if it is not clear how to design and operate the machine safely and correctly. This may be, for example, because there are no application notes. Or because important figures are missing from the datasheet. That is why we provide advice and help you to implement your machine safely, with minimal effort and in line with the EC Machinery Directive, regardless of whether you choose pneumatic or electric drive technology.
With Festo Didactic, we offer a global range of seminars and online training courses relating to safety so that we can help you to master the topic of safety engineering.
Our safety engineering specialists around the world will help you to select the right products for safety-related circuits.
How? Take a look at our guidelines for machine and system safety. Here you’ll find not only comprehensive information about the fundamental standards, risk assessment and risk reduction, but also detailed overviews of all safety functions with the right products to integrate these functions in your system.
The guidelines also include an overview of all the seminars offered by Festo Training and Consulting for safety engineering qualifications.
Find out more in the guidelines for machine and system safety (PDF)
Risk assessment and machine safety concerns more people that you might expect. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to share this link.