Course offer

Job-specific training, covering three key industry facets: technology, organization, and people

We offer methodical and logical development of employee competencies for industrial companies. With an emphasis on automation-related topics, we are not focused solely on the successful mastery of the training, but equally on the ability of workers to apply their newly-acquired skills in the workplace. We support your goals of achieving greater productivity and gaining a competitive advantage through a skilled and motivated workforce.

Training topics

Our industrial training solutions cover the key facets in industry – technology, organization, and people.

We offer training in topics such as pneumatics, hydraulics, electricity/electronics, PLC, digitalization/Industry 4.0, lean production, and leadership.

Check our complete offerings below!

Download the Industrial Workforce Development course catalog for skills development.

Job-specific training, from shop floor to management

Our programs are tailored to fit the needs of specific job functions and consist of training that leads to qualification for specific job profiles, including but not limited to:

Maintenance technicians, operators, engineers, trainers, educational staff, shop floor workers and managers, production planners, and leadership.

Online Interactive Training Program

A virtual classroom for Industry
Festo is a global engineering and manufacturing company that maintains its own training teams for customers around the world. With our years of experience, we have adapted our popular Industrial Workforce Development courses to be more flexible in virtual education yet still provide hands-on training that makes our classes so successful. This transformation will ensure continued success with your programs.


How it works

The courses consists of a complete and comprehensive review of the subject matter. Four, 4-hour sessions are spread across one week and are customizable for schools , manufacturers or individuals. Each session is broken down into individual learning lessons and exercises, also known as “nuggets”. The schedule provides plenty of time between sessions, allowing for study, review, practice and completion of lessons prior to the next session. A live instructor will be with the participants to reinforce learning and to facilitate open discussions.