Festo Industry 4.0 Certification Program

Building Careers for Industry

The Festo Industry Certification Program (FICP), our new comprehensive industry skills certification, is based on industry and education partnerships to ensure students have the right set of skills to be industry ready. FICP evolved from our global industrial automation division and technical education experience over the past six decades.

Level One: Fundamentals

At FI4.0CP level 1, certified students will be well-rounded machine operators/technicians, with responsibility for efficient operation of the equipment. They will ensure that the system is running at maximum capacity with an understanding of the role of each component and device. They can identify malfunctions and make minor repairs.

Course highlights

Electricity Fundamentals

Decrease production downtime, improve efficiency and increase output – All hinges on understand electricity and how to work with it safely. These courses have been specifically developed to give students the knowledge and skills required to enable them to work safely and effectively with electricity.

FICP Level 1: Electricity Fundamentals

Fluid Power Fundamentals

Designed to familiarize students with the construction and operation of hydraulic and pneumatic components. Investigating the construction and operation of a range of fluid power equipment, this training course covers the fundamental principles of hydraulics and pneumatics as well as the individual components.

FICP Level 2: Fluid Power Fundamentals

Mechanical Systems

The driving force behind most industrial applications is Mechanical Systems. Gears, drives, bearings, pulleys, and more are found in nearly everything that moves. The Mechanical Systems course covers the installation, use, maintenance, and troubleshooting of mechanical drive components and systems. The curriculum is divided into various topics which deal with the components encountered in industry.

FICP Level 2: Mechanical Systems

PLC Fundamentals

As manufacturing and industry becomes increasingly automated, the understanding of sensors is critical. Sensors are eyes, ears, touch, and feel of automated systems. They relay signals to the “brain” of the system in order for the system to react accordingly. This course will introduce the participant to various sensors common in the industrial automation field.

FICP Level 2: PLC Fundamentals

Robotics Fundamentals

Today, and in the future, Robotics are becoming more and more common. From repetitive tasks to highly complex interaction with humans, robots can be found. This course is designed to expose students to the various types of robots and the various ways they can increase productivity in industrial applications.

FICP Level 2: Robotics Fundamentals

Industry 4.0 Fundamentals

As an introduction to Industry 4.0, this course aims to relay foundational information about Industry 4.0 and help to establish a base upon which more detailed information regarding the topic can layered. The course will introduce the various industrial revolutions and how Industry 4.0, the internet of things, smart factories, and cyber-physical systems are a disruption to the manufacturing industry and discusses the impact and implications that these advancements introduce.

FICP Level 2: Industry 4.0 Fundamentals

Level Two: Advanced Mechatronics

At FI4.0CP Level 2, certified students will be skilled technicians who are able to assess and analyze the system as a whole. They can manage, investigate, repair and troubleshoot I4.0 systems to maximize operation and process control. They understand how individual components interact with each other to make the whole system run efficiently.

Course highlights

Product ID Fundamentals

In modern Industry, the ability to identify products and make decisions based on this data is a critical factor. This course will give participants the ability to explore and understand RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) utilizing Tags, Readers, and Writers as well as Vision Systems that utilize QR Coders/Barcodes.

FICP Level 2: Product ID Fundamentals

Applied Fluid Power

Before compressed air can be used it must be generated, purified, and distributed up to the respective application; the use of suction grippers to handle workpieces has become an integral part of handling technology as they offer more advantages. Important aspects of this valuable forms of energy are examined within the framework of this course.

FICP Level 2: Applied Fluid Power

Applied Mechanical Systems

Designed to calculate cost to generate and use compressed air and identify system inefficiencies for correction, as well as to understand, describe, implement, and maintain vacuum systems.

FICP Level 2: Applied Mechanical Systems

Applied PLC

PLC II expands on the topics covered in PLC I and utilizes the same equipment. Students will go deeper into programming PLCs, incorporate HMI (Human Machine Interface) programming and modifying programs to include changes in the applications. This is a highly sought after skill in modern industry.

FICP Level 2: Applied PLC

Applied Robotics

Students will work more extensively with the CIROS software and real industrial robotic applications. Robots rarely do work in isolation. They interact with other manual and automated systems. The MPS Robot Cell allows students to learn about these topics and how to program and edit robot programs and positions to accomplish various tasks.

FICP Level 2: Applied Robotics

Applied Industry 4.0

Students will delve deeper into the IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) as it applies to modern production systems. Much of the focus will be on how MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) send and receive data from the production process. The students will work with real production scenarios and real-world industrial equipment to incorporate HMI (Human Machine Interface) with the MES and equipment.

FICP Level 2: Applied Industry 4.0

Level Three: Industry 4.0

At FI4.0CP level 3, certified students will become skilled designers and engineers of complex I4.0 Systems. Their responsibilities will include applying systems engineering practices, such as engineering, process management, and quality assurance management, in a project with the goal to implement, maintain, or improve I4.0 systems.

Course highlights

Advanced Product ID

The Advanced Product Identification is a key component in understanding the Factory of the Future, also known as the ‘Smart Factory’. This course covers and expands upon advanced technology such as Nearfield Technology, Barcoding, RFID, and Vision Technology, blending the theoretical knowledge with hands-on exercises, labs, and activities using our CP (Cyber Physical) line of products.

FICP Level 3: Advanced Product ID


A strong understanding and mastery of the interfaces that connect the human operator to the controller of an industrial system has become an integral part of a successful, modern production landscape. This course expands on the Level II PLC/HMI training and prepares students for the dynamics of a modern human-machine facility focusing on HMI topics.

FICP Level 3: HMI

Advanced Robotics

Building on the level one and two robotics credentials, the advanced level covers the complete integration of robotics in industrial processes and networks. Students will master the utilization of scanners, lasers, and vision systems to maximize the capabilities of autonomous and automated robotic systems.

FICP Level 3: Advanced Robotics

Advanced PLC

In order to establish Industry 4.0 in a company, the training and qualifications of its skilled workforce must be in line with advancements in automation technology in addition to the most modern methodologies and processes.This course aims to build upon the Applied PLC and PLC Fundamentals topic by introducing students to more advanced topics. This course was designed toward Siemens Technology.

FICP Level 3: Advanced PLC

Smart Maintenance

The success of any modern production cycle is rooted in ‘up-time.’ As the production becomes increasingly more interdependent, the necessity for a sound maintenance strategy could help to avoid great losses. This course empowers students with the advanced knowledge and tactical hands-on experience needed to help mitigate those opportunities lost by exploring.

FICP Level 3: Smart Maintenance


Since the introduction of the internet, more and more data is being transmitted and stored in “the cloud”. This means that critical and private data is being shared at all levels of industry. The protection of this data is one of the most critical factors for people and organizations. This course will give students the knowledge and skills needed to be able to ensure the protection of vital data.

FICP Level 3: Cyber Security